Available in:

  1. Pre Axsy Summer '24: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution
  2. Axsy Axsy Summer '24: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce

The Home tab of the Axsy Mobile web app in the Salesforce web UI provides access to the Events tab.

The Events tab must be used by support teams as the first source of detailed information during support and troubleshooting activities.

Events Tab

When online, Axsy Mobile apps transmit details of significant events to the Axsy Mobile web app. When the Axsy Mobile app is offline, event details are stored and transmitted the next time the Axsy Mobile app comes online. The Events tab in the Axsy Mobile web app allows administrators to locate these events and access in-depth information about each event. An example Events tab is shown below.

Events Tab View


This section shows the events filters available:

  1. Start and end dates
  2. Individual users
  3. User profiles
  4. Event severity levels
  5. Event types
  6. Initial sync duration

With the exception of the start and end date filters, all the filters support multiple value selection – this is illustrated in the screenshot above.

Filtered Events

Events corresponding to the filter selections are shown. 

Event Details

Clicking on any filtered event will reveal detailed information in the Event Details section. A General tab and a JSON tab will always be shown in this section. Other event types may also show an additional tab, for example the Initial Sync event type will have a Sync tab

For each of the event types, how to interpret them, and the recommended actions to perform see the descriptions below.

For All Events

Before inspecting any event in detail, check the fundamental details in the General tab first.

CHECKS AND ACTIONS (perform in order below)

1. Scope Name - is the user in the expected config scope? This is important if you are using different scopes which have different configs. If a user is in the wrong scope, move the user to the correct scope in a new config version and then the user must logout and log back into the Axsy Mobile app to be in the correct scope with its corresponding config. 2. Config Version – is the user using the correct config version? if not, the user should logout and log back into the Axsy Mobile app to receive the correct config version. 3. App Version
Pre Axsy Summer '24: this field shows the version number of the Axsy Mobile apps, check that the user using the correct Axsy Mobile app.
Axsy Summer '24: this field shows the mobile feature set in use in the Axsy Mobile app. To verify the mobile feature set in use, navigate to the Settings tabGlobalMobile Feature SetActive Feature Set. If the user is not using the correct mobile feature set, the user should logout and log back into their Axsy Mobile app to receive the expected mobile feature set via an automatic code push update.

4. Device and OS - is the user using a device that meets the device requirements?

Daily Summary

Severity Level: Information

Tabs Available: General | JSON


1. Periodic review for abnormalities.


Severity: Error

Tabs Available: General | JSON


1. Investigate the error(s), details of which will be found in the JSON tab. Ensure the error(s) are corrected. The manner in which individual errors are corrected is outside the scope of this article and it may involve changes to your Axsy config and / or changes elsewhere in your Salesforce org.

Initial Sync

Severity: Information | Warning

Tabs Available: General | Sync | JSON

Note: The warning in the example shown in the screenshot below is due to one or more long requests exceeding the config long request duration. The requests did not fail and are therefore not categorised as errors.


Severity: Information
1. Via the Sync tab ➔ Overview check that sync durations are in the expected range by comparing to other users and earlier Initial Sync events
2. Via the Sync tab ➔ SObject Totals check that the overall number of records and the breakdown of records are in the expected range by comparing to other users and earlier Initial Sync events

1. Review as above for Information +
2. Via the Sync tabLong Requests check the source of the long requests, these may be tolerated if they are low in number or you may modify your config long request duration.


Severity: Information

Tabs Available: General | JSON


1. Inspect, if required, to determine time of a mobile app login.


Severity: Information

Tabs Available: General | JSON


1. Inspect, if required, to determine time of a mobile app logout.

Memory Warning

Severity: Warning

Tabs Available: General | JSON

Note: Memory warnings typically follow an Initial Sync event, these are warning events and no error has occurred.


1. Review the warnings, if they occur regularly this may indicate users require replacement devices that meet the device requirements.

Upload Error

Severity: Error

Tabs Available: General | Upload Error | JSON


  1. An upload error occurs when the Axsy Mobile app has been unable to sync content to the Salesforce platform
  2. Upload errors are categorised as warnings as only a limited number or a single record has failed to upload
  3. Users will see the same upload error message if they inspect the Pending Changes screen in their Axsy Mobile apps.


1. All upload errors must be investigated to determine their root cause. The Upload Errors tab and the JSON tab will provide more information relating to the error and this can be used as the starting point for your investigation
2. Upload errors occurring for the same user all the time or for many users indicate that the root cause of the error is in the Salesforce platform or with your Axsy config, check for any recent changes to see if these are the cause of the error
3. Upload errors occurring for a single user infrequently may be caused by the user using the Axsy Mobile app in an unexpected manner.

Upload Warning ⭐️ New in Axsy Summer '24 ⭐️

Severity: Warning

Tabs Available: General | JSON

Note: An upload warning occurs when the user of the Axsy Mobile app has performed a retry to upload a record stuck in the Pending Changes queue.


1. Upload warnings that are not followed by an Upload Error event may not require any follow-up actions, but it is unusual for a user to need to retry the upload of records in the Pending Changes queue in the normal operation of the Axsy Mobile app, accordingly you may wish to investigate further

2. Upload warnings that are followed by an Upload Error must be investigated further.

Warning ⭐️ New in Axsy Summer '24 ⭐️

Severity: Warning

Tabs Available: General | JSON


  1. This category is used when a user has logged out of the Axsy Mobile app while there were unsynced records in their Pending Changes queue. Doing so, means that the unsynced records are permanently lost and cannot be recovered. Data loss will have occurred.
  2. Two warning messages are presented to users, that they have to accept, before logging out if they have unsynced records in their Pending Changes queue. As this event type cannot occur via accidental use of the Axsy Mobile app, the user may have chosen to logout despite the warnings because there was an underlying sync problem that could not be resolved.


1. Investigate why the user logged out of the Axsy Mobile app while records were still in the Pending Changes queue:
1.1 If Upload Errors or Upload Warnings are also present in the Events tab for the user then this indicates a sync problem had occurred - this may be due to incorrect configuration or implementation on the Salesforce platform and / or due to incorrect or unexpected use of the Axsy Mobile app
1.2 If the user logged out without any other errors it in the Events tab then this may be an isolated incident and the user should be advised to respect the warnings prior to logout to prevent future data loss

2. As data loss will have occurred you should take steps to understand what data has been lost. The number of records lost will be shown in the General tab.