Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Retail Execution

The Settings tab of the Axsy Mobile app in the Salesforce Web UI provides access to the Axsy Config Tool which is used for configuring the behaviour of the Axsy Mobile app. The Global tab for the Axsy Config Tool is where various global app settings are defined.


When viewing the Global tab of the Axsy Config Tool, selecting the General option from the side menu presents settings related to the UI of Order Capture within the Axsy Mobile app

Allow multiple draft ordersSpecifies if more than one active draft Order is allowed. If disabled, the Create Order button will not be selectable in the app when a draft Order already exists.
Default pricebookSelect the default Pricebook to use for Orders from the available Pricebook records in the Org.

This is ignored if the default Pricebook is instead set by a field from the Account or Retail Store for the Order.
Enable discountSpecifies if the button to apply discounts is enabled in the Order Capture UI.
Enable change pricebookSpecifies if the user is able to change the Pricebook for an Order from the default Pricebook.
Enable Price InfoSpecifies if price information should be displayed for Products in the Order Capture UI.
Percentage Discount PresetsIf discounts are enabled (per setting listed above), this text field provides a comma-separated-list of the preset discount percentages that can be applied via button tap. 

NOTE: The user can still manually enter a discount that doesn't match any preset.
Enable Retail Store OrdersSpecifies whether Orders can be created from a Retail Store record in addition to via a Visit's Order Capture task.

NOTE: This setting is only applicable to Retail Execution.
Pricebook Lookup Object TypeAlong with Pricebook Lookup Field, allows setting the default Pricebook for an Order to a field on either the Account or the Retail Store record for the Order. This setting allows you to choose between Account and Retail Store as the source record.
Pricebook Lookup FieldAlong with Pricebook Lookup Object Type, allows setting the default Pricebook for an Order to a field on either the Account or the Retail Store record for the Order. This setting is for specifying the API Name of the lookup field on the source record which links to the Pricebook to be used as the default.

NOTE: If the source record - i.e. Account or Retail Store - only has a single lookup field to a Pricebook, that field is automatically used and this setting can be left blank.