Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

The Settings tab of the Axsy Mobile app in the Salesforce Web UI provides access to the Axsy Config Tool which is used for configuring the behaviour of the Axsy Mobile app. When viewing the Axsy Config Tool, selecting the Sync tab and then Settings ➔ General will present various settings related to the general sync behaviour of the Axsy Mobile app.

Error Requests

The following settings control the behaviour of the Axsy Mobile app when a request to Salesforce results in an error.

Create an app event for each record upload failureCheckbox that determines if an error when making a request to Salesforce is logged as a unique event in the App Events Console.

If disabled, errors will only be included in Daily Summary events.
Number of retry attempts for rejected changesNumeric value representing the number of retries that should be attempted by the Axsy Mobile app when request to Salesforce is initially rejected with an error.

Long Requests

The following setting controls the behaviour of the Axsy Mobile app when a request to Salesforce takes a long time to receive a response, but is ultimately successful.

Long request duration threshold (seconds)Numeric value representing the number of seconds before a request to Salesforce is classified as long and therefore logged as such an event in the App Events Console.