Available in: Axsy Retail Execution


Products can have an image associated with them which is displayed in the Axsy Mobile app.

As you may have a large number of products each with corresponding product images, the recommended maximum file size for images is less than 200KB. This reduces the need to sync large amounts of image data to the Axsy mobile app.

Configuring Product Records

The Axsy Retail Execution mobile app uses the Display URL Salesforce field to reference product images.

For each product record

  1. Add the product image URL to the Display URL field. See the example below.

The URL you supply must be publicly accessible, it can be on any cloud platform.

Using Salesforce Files

  1. From the Salesforce app launcher, search for and select Files
  2. Upload your product image files

  3. For each file you have uploaded, select Public Link to create a URL.

  4. The URL you create is a page containing your image, to obtain the URL of to your image, copy the page URL just created and paste it into a new browser window, your image will be displayed. 
  5. Right click on the image and copy the image address, this is the URL of your image, paste this into the Display URL field for your product.

You must not directly use the Public Link generated by Salesforce, you must use the URL of the image which you will obtain by following step 5 above.