Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce


Axsy's Summer '24 release introduces a Code Push feature that allows customers to deploy Mobile Feature Sets to the Axsy Mobile app at a time of their choosing.

Mobile Feature Sets contain Axsy releases, for example the Axsy Summer '24 release is contained within a Mobile Feature Set. 

Enabling Mobile Feature Sets for Code Push

  1. Launch Axsy Mobile from the Salesforce app launcher
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Click Newversion and Edit
  4. Navigate to GlobalMobile Feature Set

  5. Click the magnifying glass next to the Active Feature Set
  6. Pick the Mobile Feature Set you require

  7. Click Activate
  8. Toggle the Enable Mobile Feature Sets off and back on (this ensures the change you have just made is recorded)
  9. Click Save and Publish your config, ensuring the Generate Metadata checkbox is ticked.

Code Push to the Axsy Mobile App

Users of the Axsy Summer '24 mobile app setup to receive a Mobile Feature Set bundle may will receive the Feature Set Bundle via Code Push the next time they login to the Axsy Summer '24 mobile app.