Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Scheduler, Axsy Smart Forms


After installing any of the following Axsy Summer '24 managed packages for the Axsy web apps:

  1. Axsy Mobile for Salesforce
  2. Axsy Scheduler
  3. Axsy Smart Forms
  4. Axsy Data Migration

and after assigning user permissions to access the above packages, I see a Lightning Web Component (LWC) error when trying to load the relevant web application.


  1. Axsy Summer' 24 web apps require the following setting to be enabled: Setup ➞ Session Settings ➞ Lightning Web Security ➞ Use Lightning Web Security for Lightning web components and Aura components ➞ Checked.

  2. If, after making the change above you still see the LWC error, clear the cache of your browser which should enable the change to become effective.


  1. Since Salesforce's Winter '24 update, this setting is enabled by default, however orgs created before this time may have it disabled or the setting could have been disabled for other reasons in your org
  2. After you have enabled the setting, you may need to refresh your browser to see the effect of the change.