Available in: Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution


Axsy's Summer '24 release includes a changeover from multiple industry specific mobile app variants (Field Service, Public Sector, Retail Execution) to a single mobile app that support all industry variants and when used in conjunction with Axsy Code Push, gives customers the freedom to upgrade to the latest Axsy release at a time of their own choosing.

Existing Customers must migrate their current Axsy Summer '23 orgs to Axsy Summer '24. This article breaks the migration from Summer '23 to Summer '24 into migration transition stages that customers should follow to achieve a smooth migration to Summer '24.

The video below describes the process flow from Axsy Summer '23 to Axsy Summer '24.

Important Dates

Axsy Summer '24 General Availability: Axsy Summer '24 (mobile app and managed packages) will be available from 1st August 2024, no migration plan (unless otherwise agreed with Axsy) should start before this date.

Migration Completion Customers must complete their migration from Axsy Summer '23 to Axsy Summer '24 before the release of Axsy Winter '25 (exact dates to be confirmed).

Customer Migration Plans

Customers migrating to Axsy Summer '24 can use the migration transition stages described lower down in this article to construct their own detailed migration plans respecting the important dates listed above and ensuring that all relevant orgs are included in their migration plans.

An example migration plan is shown below. The plan shows one or more lower environments being migrated before a production environment is migrated.

Do not migrate your production org until you have migrated your lower environments.

Axsy Engagement With You

  1. Axsy will contact you with suggested dates to commence your migration activities
  2. Axsy will schedule weekly review calls with you immediately prior to and during the course of your migration
  3. If you require Axsy participation in migration enablement sessions, please advise us in your weekly review call or via your support portal providing at least two weeks notice.

Migration Transition Stage 1

This stage is optional and can be performed if you want to test the Axsy Summer '24 app before any managed package installation.

Overview Diagram

Stage Summary

Stage ObjectiveVerify the Axsy Summer '24 Mobile app with its Summer '23 feature bundle works in an identical manner to your Axsy Summer '23 industry app with your existing industry Summer '23 managed package
Mandatory Stage?No
Axsy Oversight Required?No
Org Installation RequirementsNone
Mobile App RequirementsAxsy Summer '24 Mobile for Salesforce app available from app stores
Expected OutcomeConfirmation that the Axsy Summer '24 mobile app works in the same way as the Axsy Summer '24 industry app
Suggested Test LevelSanity testing
Suggested Test Duration1 week
Support During TestingContact Axsy via your support portal for any questions or issues you have during your testin



  1. Download the Axsy Mobile for Salesforce app from the relevant App Store and perform sanity testing.


  1. None.

Migration Transition Stage 2

This stage must be performed to verify the stage objectives via regression level testing in the first org you migrate. Subsequent orgs will not require this level of testing.

Overview Diagram

Stage Summary

Stage ObjectiveVerify the Axsy Summer '24 Mobile app with its Summer '23 feature bundle works in an identical manner to your Axsy Summer '23 industry app with your existing Axsy Summer '23 industry managed package and with the Axsy Summer '24 managed package installed in the same org
Mandatory Stage?Yes
Axsy Oversight Required?First Org: Optional, Subsequent Orgs: Not normally required
Org Installation RequirementsAxsy Summer '24 managed packages see separate table below
Mobile App RequirementsAxsy Summer '24 Mobile for Salesforce app available from app stores
Expected OutcomeConfirmation that the Axsy Summer '24 mobile app works in the same way as your Axsy Summer '23 industry app
Suggested Test LevelFrist Org: Regression testing, Subsequent Orgs: Sanity testing
Suggested Test DurationFirst Org: 1—2 weeks, Subsequent Orgs: 1/2 day
Support During TestingContact Axsy via your support portal for any questions or issues you have during this stage

Managed Package Installation Requirements

Axsy Managed PackageSalesforce Org
Field ServicePublic SectorRetail Execution
Axsy Mobile for Salesforce✔️✔️✔️
Axsy Field Service✔️

Axsy Public Sector
Axsy Retail Execution

Axsy Visit Notifications
Axsy Visit Scheduler
Axsy Data Migration✔️✔️✔️
Axsy Smart Forms (optional)(✔️)(✔️)(✔️)

Please refer to this knowledge article page for the latest managed package versions, you must contact Axsy via your support portal requesting installation links to the managed packages.



  1. If Axsy oversight required during managed package installation, request Axsy participation giving at least two weeks notice
  2. Install the relevant Axsy Summer '24 managed packages as required for your org (refer to above table)
  3. Configure permissions for users
  4. Download the Axsy Mobile for Salesforce app from the relevant App Store and perform testing.


Once you have installed the Axsy Mobile for Salesforce managed package in your production org you must advise Axsy promptly via your support portal, quoting your production org ID, that you have done so.

This will enable Axsy to assign an equivalent number of licenses to your Axsy Mobile for Salesforce managed package as your current industry managed package.


  1. Provide oversight to customer, if requested, during managed package installation and permission setting
  2. Assign licenses for production org when notified to do so.

Migration Transition Stage 3


As you have now established that the Axsy Summer '24 app with the Summer '23 feature bundle performs in an identical manner to your Axsy Summer '23 industry app you should ensure your users STOP USING THE AXSY SUMMER '23 INDUSTRY MOBILE APP. Doing so now will avoid support problems later once you completely disable the Axsy Summer '23 industry managed package.


Axsy will guide customers through the detailed steps required to enable this stage described in this article.

Overview Diagram

Stage Summary

Stage Objective1. Stop using the Axsy Summer '23 industry app
2. Test the new features and bug fixes in the Axsy Summer '24 release by making use of code push, in conjunction with user scopes to a limited community of test users. 
Mandatory Stage?Yes
Axsy Oversight Required?First Org: Mandatory, Subsequent Orgs: Optional
Org Installation RequirementsAxsy Data Migration managed package
Mobile App RequirementsAxsy Summer '24 Mobile for Salesforce app available from app stores
Expected Outcome1. Familiarity with Axsy Summer '24 new features
2. Confirmation that bug fixes (as previously agreed with you in support tickets) are working as expected
Suggested Test LevelFirst Org: Functional and Regression testing, Subsequent Orgs: Sanity testing
Suggested Test DurationFirst Org: 1—2 weeks, Subsequent Orgs: 1/2 day
Support During TestingContact Axsy via your support portal for any questions or issues you have during this stage



  1. Contact Axsy to arrange 1 hour enablement session (please provide at least 2 weeks notice), the session is described in detail in this knowledge article which customer may refer to after their initial enablement session.
  2. Testing of Axsy Summer '24 new features and bug fixes.


  1. Provide oversight and assistance during enablement session.


Overview Diagram

Stage Summary

Stage Objective1. All users migrated to Axsy Summer '24
2. Axsy Summer '23 no longer in use
Mandatory Stage?Yes
Axsy Oversight Required?First Org: Optional, Subsequent Orgs: Optional
Org Installation RequirementsNo additional requirements
Mobile App RequirementsAxsy Summer '24 Mobile for Salesforce app available from app stores
Expected OutcomePer Stage Objective
Suggested Test LevelSanity testing for newly migrated users
Suggested Test Duration1/2 day
Support During TestingContact Axsy via your support portal for any questions or issues you have during this stage



  1. If Axsy oversight is required please provide at least two weeks advance notice
  2. Modify Summer '24 scope to include all users
  3. Run Axsy data migration tool
  4. Advise newly joined users to logout / login to Axsy Summer '24 app
  5. Sanity testing for newly joined users
  6. Deactivate Axsy Summer '23 industry managed package (knowledge article coming soon).


  1. Provide oversight and assistance during enablement session if required.