Available in: Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

Axsy's Summer '23 industry variant managed package for either Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector or Axsy Retail Execution will still be present in your org post migration along side the Summer '24 Axsy Mobile for Salesforce managed package and should no longer be used. Additionally mobile users must, if they have not done so already, stop using their legacy Axsy Summer '23 industry variant mobile apps.

This article describes how you can disable legacy Summer '23 mobile app users and Summer '23 managed package components so they are no longer available in the Salesforce web view after you have completed the migration of your users.

Step 1 – Licence Assignments and Permission Sets

Removing the Summer '23 industry license assignment will prevent users from logging into their Axsy Summer '23 industry variant mobile apps.

Note: License removal is only possible in production orgs.

Additionally removing permission sets no longer should be removed to prevent access to Axsy components no longer in use in your Salesforce org.

For each user:

  1. Navigate to SetupUsers ➔ Select user
  2. Scroll down to the Permission Set Assignments section and remove the Axsy Summer '23 permission sets, refer to the Axsy Summer '23 permission sets in this article to identify the permission sets you need to remove
  3. Check that the user has the Axsy Summer '24 permission sets applied, again referring to the above article if required
  4. Scroll down to the Managed Packages section ➔ Click Remove next to the Axsy Field Service / Axsy Public Sector / Axsy ReX Mobile App license assignment as applicable
  5. Check that the user has a Axsy Mobile for Salesforce license for Axsy Summer '24.

Step 2 – Profile Configuration

In this step access to the Axsy Summer '23 industry variant custom web app and custom tabs are disabled.

Axsy Summer '23 Field Service

  1. Navigate to Users Profiles ➔ select Edit next to the System Administrator profile
  2. Modify the Custom App Settings to remove Axsy__Axsy_Field_Service

  3. Modify the Custom Tab Settings to remove App Config Versions, Help, Home, Plugins and Settings exactly as indicated below.

  4. Save your changes
  5. Check the App Config Versions and Plugins tabs that remain in place are using the Axsy Summer '24 namespace axsy_mobile by opening up each tab from the Salesforce app launcher and then from the gear cog select Edit Object which will show the API Name of the object commencing with axsy_mobile
  6. Check the Help, Home and Settings tabs take you to the Axsy Mobile web app
  7. Depending on the original scope of the Axsy Field Service Summer '23 managed package installation you may need to perform steps 1—6 for all other profiles that were included in the scope of the managed package installation. Check all of your other profiles to see if they require modification.

Axsy Summer '23 Public Sector

  1. Navigate to Users Profiles ➔ select Edit next to the System Administrator profile
  2. Modify the Custom App Settings to remove axsy_emr__Axsy_Public_Sector

  3. Modify the Custom Tab Settings to remove App Config Versions, Help, Home, Plugins and Settings exactly as indicated below.

  4. Save your changes
  5. Check the App Config Versions and Plugins tabs that remain in place are using the Axsy Summer '24 namespace axsy_mobile by opening up each tab from the Salesforce app launcher and then from the gear cog select Edit Object which will show the API Name of the object commencing with axsy_mobile
  6. Check the Help, Home and Settings tabs take you to the Axsy Mobile web app
  7. Depending on the original scope of the Axsy Public Sector Summer '23 managed package installation you may need to perform steps 1—6 for all other profiles that were included in the scope of the managed package installation. Check all of your other profiles to see if they require modification.

Axsy Summer '23 Retail Execution

  1. Navigate to Users Profiles ➔ select Edit next to the System Administrator profile
  2. Modify the Custom App Settings to remove axsy_cg__Axsy_Retail_Execution and axsy_cg__Retail_Execution_Mobile

  3. Modify the Custom Tab Settings to remove App Config Versions, Axsy Survey Responses, Help, Home, Overview, Plugins, Settings and User Guide exactly as indicated below.

  4. Save your changes
  5. Check the App Config Versions, Axsy Survey Responses and Plugins tabs that remain in place are using the Axsy Summer '24 namespace axsy_mobile by opening up each tab from the Salesforce app launcher and then from the gear cog select Edit Object which will show the API Name of the object commencing with axsy_mobile
  6. Check the Help, Home and Settings tabs take you to the Axsy Mobile web app
  7. Depending on the original scope of the Axsy Retail Execution Summer '23 managed package installation you may need to perform steps 1—6 for all other profiles that were included in the scope of the managed package installation. Check all of your other profiles to see if they require modification.