Org Setup

Org Setup for Axsy Mobile for Salesforce
Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce Salesforce Org Setup See the steps below to setup your Salesforce org: Install Axsy managed packages Assign ...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Org Setup for Axsy Field Service
Available in: Axsy Field Service Salesforce Org Setup See the steps below to setup your Salesforce org: Install Axsy managed packages Assign permissio...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Org Setup for Axsy Public Sector
Available in: Axsy Public Sector Salesforce Org Setup See the steps below to setup your Salesforce org: Install Axsy managed packages Assign permissi...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 5:33 PM
Org Setup for Axsy Retail Execution
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution Salesforce Org Setup See the steps below to setup your Salesforce org: Enable Notes Enable Surveys Install Axsy...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 5:35 PM
Assign Permission Sets
Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution, Axsy Smart Forms In addition to assigning users ...
Wed, 14 Aug, 2024 at 1:51 PM
Enable Notes
Available in: Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution In order for the ContentNote object and its related objects to be synced to the Axsy Mobile App, ...
Mon, 13 Mar, 2023 at 6:09 PM
Enable Surveys
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution To ensure that Surveys can be created and assigned for Survey Tasks, you need to enable Surveys in your Salesforce Or...
Mon, 13 Mar, 2023 at 6:41 PM
Enable Product Category Permissions
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution In order to access the relevant data for the Inventory Check Assessment Task, applicable users should have the View A...
Mon, 13 Mar, 2023 at 6:52 PM
Axsy Summer '24 Initial Configuration
Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution This article describes the basic initial config r...
Wed, 17 Jul, 2024 at 5:04 PM
Axsy Objects and Custom Fields
Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution Axsy Custom Objects See the table below for the ...
Wed, 14 Aug, 2024 at 3:30 PM
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